Animations & illustrations

SERVICEPLAN, Munich, 2013
Creative Direction: Matthäus Frost / Katharina Keith / Giuliana Guizzi / Salvatore Giuliana
Graphic Design: Dimitrios Arampatzioglou
Copywriter: Daniel Gaßner


Auchan "Selfscan Report": The first sustainability report that fits on a till receipt

The sustainability report has now been reformatted to reflect this claim: the medium accessible to everyone from one of the largest supermarket chains in Europe is the till receipt. This has a barcode on it that when scanned presents customers, business partners and journalists with an app containing the sustainability report. The result: a 99 percent saving in paper.

The “Selfscan Report” was awarded the “Grand Prix” in the “Design” category and a silver Lion at the 60th “International Festival of Creativity” in Cannes.